Birth Consultation


Gillian Foreman wishes to use her vast experience as a birth doula, perinatal educator, and lactation specialist to help you achieve the best outcome possible! Therefore Modern Breastfeeding + Education is offering a new type of service: a Private Birth Consultation.

This is ideal for families / couples who:

  • aren’t sure how to navigate birth right now without a doula, or even if they want one how to work with virtual support
  • have individual questions answered about their upcoming birth
  • are considering a change in birth location, due to COVID-19
  • are expecting twins, or more, and want to know about questions to ask care providers, normal protocols for multiples births, and more of what to expect
  • are pursing a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean), as well as VBA2C, VBA3C, and HBAC. This can be especially helpful if pursued before pregnancy as we can address nutrition, physical therapy, healing, and care providers
  • had trouble breastfeeding a previous child or are worried about breastfeeding
  • want to review, or help compile, a birth plan, which is an excellent tool to discuss wishes with a care provider
  • are trying to conceive but have questions for a birth professional

This service is $50/hour, takes place via Zoom.

Contact Gillian directly to discuss how you would like to use your consultation!

photo by Jeanine Persichini

Doula Services by Gillian Foreman

For the remainder of 2016, Gillian is booking births through Last Minute Doula.

However, this winter look for completely new packages here for 2017 and beyond!

Services such as:

– having your doula dedicated to only you for your entire “due window”, i.e. 37-42 weeks gestation.

– along with birth doula services, having private, and customizable, in-home Childbirth Education and knowledgeable lactation and postpartum support after birth.

These are designed to reflect a family that seeks more than birth services alone: a complete and full package with a peri-birth expert for peace of mind, confidence, and personal support.
